Saturday, April 10, 2010

Long overdue update

We must apologise for not updating for a while,I am back working full time and Matt is busy looking after the kids being "Mr Mum". I'll begin with Jayda's progress. Jayda started walking on her own at 11mths of age. We are so proud of her progress,she has been eager to be on the move and catch up with her big sister. Crawling is not a neccessitiy anymore as walking gets her to places faster. Now we really need to keep her in our sights all the time as she gets into all the cupboards,pulls out her sisters shoes and clothes and loves to play with the plates and cups and still likes to play with dad's dvd player :)

Jayda is now becoming more adventurous as she is always trying to be like her older sister. She climbs onto Amelia's chairs and also tries to ride Amelia's tricyle. Another thing weird but funny thing Jayda does is she places her head on the ground and stares at everything upside down through her legs,she loves being that way!

Jayda has had another 6 teeth come through and 4 of those came through together,surprisingly they didn't affect her too much,or should I say lucky for us!

Out of all of Matt's music both Amelia and Jayda have taken a real liking to Motley Crue. As soon as they hear the cd start especially in the car, they both have grins from ear to ear and soon enough their feet and hands are taping along to the beat. At least we have one way of turning a crying child in the car into a happy one.

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