Monday, April 16, 2012

Jayda's 3rd Birthday Party

Today Jayda celebrates her 3rd Birthday, though we had her party on the weekend at her Nan and Pops. Tiff's Mum had decorated everything in Jayda's favourite colour PURPLE. We had a sausage sizzle then Jayda opened her presents. She got games,sunglasses and lots of clothes. Tiff made her a Abby Cadabby cake and again she did an amazing job. So from all the family Happy Birthday Jayda, we love you very much.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter 2012

Well it's that time of year again when the Easter bunny hops into the backyard and leaves some tasty treats. The girls were up early and very keen to get outside, but first they had to look under their beds to see if anything was left there and both were surprised to find something. Next it was outside and Amelia was very quick to start filling her basket, but Jayda was catching up. The girls ended up with full baskets and a breakfast of easter eggs.