Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Texas Childrens Hospital:Jayda's MRI/MRA

Today Jayda had her second appt at Texas Childrens Hospital for her MRI/MRA.It was an early start for all of us as we had to be at the hospital by 8:00am.Before any testing or Dr's appts you first must pay.Matt went to pay and when they told him how much it was his jaw dropped and we are surprised he didn't faint.When we first got the estimate for the MRI Jayda's last scans had not been sent,but since the Dr's here have reviewed those scans they decided to do a head,neck and chest MRI/MRA.The original cost estimate we were given was $3500 U.S,so when we were told $5456 U.S. we were shocked and that was with a $1000 U.S. discount.

In the waiting room.

We were all taken to a preparation room,which had a T.V. and colouring for Amelia.The nurse then checked Jayda's pulse and blood pressure and then brought out Jayda's favourite (NOT) the stethoscope.The nurse ended up giving us a plastic stethoscope to take home so Jayda would eventually get used to it after having it to play with. Everthing was fine and next was the I.V. line.This is done a lot better than back home with the nurse putting heat packs on both feet so they can get the veins to show and the I.V. was in first time.

With mum waiting in the preparation room.

With dad watching whats on the tv.

Getting the IV line put in (not happy)

Wrapping the IV line with pink elastoplast.

We were then taken down to the imaging room to wait for the aneathetist to give Jayda her general aneasthetic.Tiff held Jayda as the G.A. was given and just like that Jayda was out of it.The scan took about an hour and a half and we made our way to the recovery area.

Waiting for the GA.

Getting the GA.

Going into the MRI/MRA machine.

The nurse was holding Jayda and she still had her eyes shut but was making some very pleasant sounds,it was unusual to here a child happy after being under a general.Jayda knew as soon as she heard our familiar voices that we were back.Jayda seems to come out the anesthetic quite quick and she recovers very well.We then put in a request for the scans to take home and right away they were given to us.This is very different again to back home as our hospital will NOT give you any imaging unless the Dr's requests it and that is why it took so long to get Jayda's scans sent to Texas Childrens Hospital.

In the recovery room.

So on a whole today was a pleasent experience and again so much different to back home.It has just reinforced us that by coming here Jayda is being seen by some of the best Dr's in the world

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