Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dermatology Appointment

Jayda had a Dermatology appointment this week,which for us was exciting as it has been a year since our last one.We were even happier that she saw her regular Dr and not someone unfamiliar with her condition.Dr Halbert was extremely pleased with the involution of Jayda's Hemangioma and was quite happy to start laser therapy soon but was also happy to wait another year to see if even more involution happens.It was decided to wait a year and then start laser therapy under G.A. Jayda will need about two or three of these followed maybe by a couple of touch ups.The plan is to have as much done before Jayda starts kindy and lessen any potential bullying.

1 comment:

Danielle's Mom said...

I've been looking at the pictures of Jayda you've posted over the past posts. She is so darling! Sounds like things went well with derm. HURRAY!