Thursday, May 13, 2010

Star Struck

Amelia,Matt and Jayda with Danny Green

Our family was invited to W.A. Charity Direct's A.G.M held at the ESS Bar in Subiaco.They are the charity who helped us with our flights to Houston,TEXAS.Their Patron is Danny Green who is the current IBO World Cruiserweight Champion knocking out Manny Siaca in the third round.The kids had a great time and Matt was able to tell people about Jayda's condition.Much thanks to Elisha Thompson,Bonnie Bullock and Peter Carter.This charity has a wonderful bunch of people who dedicate their time and money into this.They give back 100% of funds raised to help peolple such as us who can't get help from the more well known charities.They could not have a better patron then Danny Green who spoke from the heart about his involvement.To find out more about W.A. Charity Direct click on the hand logo.


Elysmom said...

that's cool!

Bonnie Bullock said...

It's our pleasure Matt. It was so wonderful to meet you, Jayda and Amelia. Chat soon, Bonnie Bullock (WA Charity Direct Trustee)